March 7, 2025
Scabies As A Sexually Transmitted Infection

Scabies is a widespread, extremely contagious skin condition caused by the “human itch” mite or “mange” mite, a pretty much invisible insect. Scabies can be transmitted from person to person through direct skin-to-skin contact. Touching infected people’s skin with clothing, sheets, towels, or furniture can also serve as a mode of transfer of scabies. Many people are unaware that scabies can be classified as a sexually transmitted Infection because it can spread through sexual contact. In this blog post, we will discuss the causes, symptoms, and prevention of scabies.


Scabies present with various symptoms that are easy to recognize if you visit your doctor timely.

Once a person has been exposed to scabies, the symptoms start appearing within two to five weeks. However, in people that had scabies before, it takes less time, i.e., 1 to four days, for appearing of the symptom. One of the most common symptoms of scabies is itching, which worsens at night. A person having scabies can present with tiny tunnel-like blisters and bumps on the skin. Another critical factor in the symptomatic presentation of scabies is the presence of scabies mite in the skin fold. Scabies can be found in some of the following skin parts:

  • In the armpits
  • Around the genitals
  • Between fingers and toes
  • Around the waist


Scabies is caused by an invasion of mite with eight legs. These bugs are so minute that you can’t see them on your skin, yet their impacts are undeniable. The mites live and feed by burrowing through into the upper skin’s uppermost layer. Female mites produce eggs. The epidermis reacts to mites and excrement, resulting in a red, itching rash.


Scabies can most likely be diagnosed by completing a physical examination of the skin. In some situations, diagnoses are confirmed by extracting a mite with a needle from the skin. If a mite cannot be detected easily, scraping a small area of skin to get a tissue sample and inspecting it under a microscope can confirm the presence of mite and eggs.

Prevention & Treatment:

According to STD CLINIC LONDON Scabies can be avoided by deliberately avoiding a skin-to-skin encounter with an infected person or an affected person’s clothing or blankets. Treatment for scabies is typically suggested for individuals of a single household, especially those who have had extended skin-to-skin interaction.

Scabies treatment often eliminates the infection with pharmaceutical ointments, creams, and lotions that can be administered directly to the skin. There are other oral medicines available.  Make sure you properly follow your doctor’s recommendations. The topical therapy may need to be repeated in 7 days.

Sexually transmitted infections need timely diagnosis and treatment, so don’t hesitate and contact STD TESTING LONDON for detailed diagnosis and treatment.