January 13, 2025
Sterile Instruments Guidelines

Denatal assistant using Sterilization systems. Preparation instruments for cleaning.

Sterilization is a process used to eliminate microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Sterilization saves from infections, which can be caused while interacting with different types of patients. Sterilizing the instruments is a good practice because these instruments are used frequently.

Method to Clean and Sterilize

It should be made sure by all the hospitals those who use sterilize instruments. Use the sterilize instruments in either its major or minor treatment. Tools once used should be placed separately, clean the instruments then, and adequately sterilize them after the sterilization packs them individually and makes them ready for the next treatment. It will save the devices from reasons which cause infection.

What if Instruments are not sterilized:

Using non-sterilize instruments are very dangerous for both the doctor and the patient. The microorganisms, if not properly clean and sterilize, and the tool is used on other patients, there is a chance of transferring a microorganism to other patients. This could be a dangerous situation.

  • If the surgical instruments are not free from the microorganism.
  • If the staff members do not wash their hands before and after the treatment.
  • The material used on wounds is not free from microorganisms.
  • The contaminated waste is not disposed of.
  • Contaminated food
Set of metal Dentist’s medical equipment tools

How to Sterilize:

There should be a proper department of sterilization in which all the instruments of daily use should be appropriately sterilized. After the sterilization, the devices should be packed in such a way that all the sterile surgical instruments should be in one packing or the tools should in the form of a set.

In developed hospitals, they apply various methods in sterilization processes such as collection, pre-disinfection, cleaning, disinfection, packaging, sterilization, distributing, and then storage. This is the best process to sterilize the instruments.


The other main thing which helps to protect the hospital from excess infection is the cleanliness. If the environment of the hospital will be neat and clean, there should be less chance of infection in open areas of the hospitals. The hospital environment must be cleaned from flies, dust, etc. The surface of the room should be designed in a way that the surface could be washed. Electricity and water must be uninterrupted.

The Cleaning Zone:

There should be a place in the hospital where all the dirty instruments are collected, registered, and then sent for cleaning purposes. The important thing is that make sure this cleaning process should be in such a way that once the instrument is cleaned, it must not go back to the dirty tools.

These steps should be followed in one room step by step. These steps include cleaning and further on the packaging. Once the instruments are cleaned, they must check them once again before sending them for packaging.

The dirty zone should easily be accessible so that the surgical instrument gets quickly in this room.

The Packaging Zone:

Once the instruments are properly cleaned, they are sent for packaging. In the packaging area, the tools are correctly inspected and assembled in the form of a set. If any device is damaged, it must be replaced.

The instrument must be packed in such a way that all the apparatus should be available, which are used for the next surgery.

There should be a wall in the packaging area, which can also separate it from the dirty zone. This area is in between the murky zone and the sterile zone.

The Autoclaving (or sterile) Zone:

In this area, the instruments are sterilized by an autoclaving process, which is by steam sterilization. After the autoclaving process, the devices are registered to keep the record of the apparatus. The appropriate heating source is given to the tools.

Autoclaving is the process which eliminates the microorganism, and the instruments are ready to be used for other surgery. Autoclaving helps in to kill bacteria, spores, and germs

In the Autoclaving zone, only authorized personnel should be allowed, and this personnel must wear the proper PPE’s, which also helps in to prevent scalding.

The water used for the autoclave drying cycle must be cold (<25-degree C}. Must consult with the biomedical engineer before installing autoclaves.

The Storage and Distribution Zone:

The final step is storing and distribution. In this area, the instruments are to be store after all the essential processes discussed above. In the storage zone, all the instruments are pack in such a way that these instruments could be saved from the dust, insects, light and humidity, etc.

The sterile instruments are protected from the risk of recontamination; otherwise, all the hard work to sterile the tools will be of no use.

In this packing, the sterile status of the instruments is maintained until they use. The packaging room must be located next to the autoclaving zone.

Preventing the Spread of Infection:

Following are the steps which help to prevent the infection:

  • Collection:

Perforated baskets are placed in closed containers. It will help in easy and safe transport to the sterilization room. There will be less mixing of surgical sets and are readily available and also inexpensive too.

  • Pre-disinfection:

It reduces the number of organisms on the surface and reduces the risk of contamination. It ensures the safe- handling of the staff.

  • Cleaning, Disinfection and Drying:

The surgical instruments must be appropriately cleaned because these surgical instruments are covered with blood, so it is compulsory to clean the instrument with brushing and rinsing.

It is very much essential to disinfect the instruments before sending them for the sterilization process.

Once the instruments are cleaned, the tools must be thoroughly checked because sometimes there may be small blood deposits which may cause corrosion if not cleaned properly. The corrosion may cause any severe damage to the patient.

Magnum Medical Company:

Magnum Medical Company provides the best sterile instruments. This company fulfills all the standard conditions required for sterilization. You can use the sterilize devices of this company and also send your tools for sterilization.