July 4, 2024
Teen Center in Bangkok, Thailand

It was once said that, being a teenager means you are not old enough to do half the things you want to do, but too old to do the other half. The teenage years, very likely, represent some of the most memorable years in a person’s life. The level of change in the teenage body, both physically and mentally, is astonishing.

The teenage changes that occur in just a few short years can bring with them a myriad of health issues, both minor and major. Fortunately, in our enlightened times, there are highly trained specialist physicians that dedicate themselves to the preservation and improvement of teenage health.

Teenager’s Physical health

During the teenage years physical growth can be slow and steady, or, in some cases, erratic. Growth spurts, followed by growth dormancy is common. Most notably of course is the growth in height. On average, following the onset of puberty, a teenager will grow around 8cm a year, until maximum height is reached.

But physical height is not the only manifestation of physical growth. The arms, legs hands, feet, in fact the whole of the skeletal structure is growing and expanding. In many teenagers this growth doesn’t spread itself evenly throughout the body. Often, growth is disproportionate across the body, leaving the teenage body looking somewhat disproportionately arranged.

Although perfectly normal, these growth spurts can contribute to health issues. Not least because, although the bones may have grown at a pace, the tendons and ligaments attached to them may not have. This leaves the teenager vulnerable to physical injuries, particularly when taking part in sports or other physical activities.

During the years of teenage growth, the skin, which is also growing, can often exhibit unwanted effects of growth. The skin can become oily, there is a greater prevalence of warts during the teenage years, as there is to excess sweating, acne and eczema. But for most teenagers these conditions are temporary, and with correct diagnosis and treatment, the effects can be largely alleviated.

Not always immediately associated with teenage growing health issues are eye, and eyesight problems. Dry eye syndrome, myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism and damage from UV lights are becoming more common. The World Health Authority has also reported an increase in digital eye strain, a direct result of the amount of time teenagers spend using modern, computerized devices.

The eyes are precious, and delicate, leaving them vulnerable to damage. A teenager should regularly have their eyesight and eye health checked by trained practitioners to ensure proper function and health. Should any adverse issues evolve, they should be addressed and treated early by the appropriate professionals.

The Teenage Mind

The body can be seen, many of the changes that a teenager undergoes are visible and obvious. But we must never forget that the teenage mind is also experiencing change. It is easy to, unwittingly, be oblivious to the teenage psyche and the turbulence that it can cause in a young person’s life.

The psyche refers to the mind, soul and spirit of a person. These elements of an individual’s overall persona are particularly vulnerable during the teenage years. Opinions, attitudes and behavior often become conflicted and irrational, which in turn, can lead to inner turmoil and conflict with others, both within the peer group and with elders.

Samitivej Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand

Very often, teenagers go through this period of change blissfully unaware of the physical health risks and the psychological challenges that it presents. But parents and guardians have a natural instinct to protect and care for their young. Fortunately, for teenage health issue, there is a place to turn to, the Samitivej Hospital Teen Center in Bangkok, Thailand.

This unique facility has been developed specifically to address the physical and mental health issues that teenagers face. The assembled team of health professionals are all highly trained in their individual fields, and, along with state-of-the-art facilities at their disposal, offer the very best in physical and mental health care for teenagers.

Teen Center Diagnostics

The center puts equal emphasis on accurate diagnostics regardless of the health issue. Initially, a discussion between a health professional, parent and teenager will take place to ascertain the particular area of concern. Then, medical diagnostics can be properly targeted to focus upon the health issue.

Following diagnosis, appropriate treatment can then be administered. The Teen Center caters every possible physical health issue that a teenager may be facing. Physical growth and weight problems, issues with skin health, vision and hearing problems, problems with oral health and allergies are all routinely treated at the center, as are orthopedic problems, such as scoliosis and specific female health problems, including menstruation issues.

Psychological health issues require specialized health professionals to navigate the correct path through the teenage psyche to achieve maximum results from any treatment. Fortunately, the Teen Center have assembled a team of such specialists and can boast unrivalled success in all areas of psychological health treatment in teens.

The team are able to deal with all areas of behavioral problems which often require a high level of delicate understanding. A troubled teenage psyche can often lead to stress and anxiety, depression and aggression, all of which are expertly navigated the center’s mental health professionals.

Addictions are also dealt with by the team, which may be drug, alcohol or gambling induced. Less common addictions are also addressed, which can range from addiction to certain foods to video gaming, and everything in between. The team at the Teen Center are well versed in being able to pick their way through the teen addiction psyche.

Sexual orientation is a big issue in the lives of some teenagers. The trained councilors have great success in helping young people see through the confusion that hormonal changes may be creating in the young teenager’s mind. This is also true for teenage girls during pregnancy, where the center’s team are able to offer the very best in counseling and guidance.

The teenage years may seem like a minefield, a cacophony of conflict that offers no clear path or end to the physical and psychological turmoil of change. Luckily, for all teenagers, their parents and peers, there is always a horizon to be seen at the Samitivej Hospital Teen Center in Bangkok, the one center that is dedicated to giving answers to the troubled teenage years.