Carnitine is a generic term for several compounds, including L-carnitine, critical for energy production; it is derived from an amino acid. Methionine and lysine are two amino acids found in practically all of the body’s cells. These amino acids are the source of L-carnitine, which is produced by the liver and kidneys. The kidneys can store L-carnitine for future use, and excess L-carnitine can be removed through urination.
The experts at Neuro Drinks note that in healthy individuals, the body can likely produce L-carnitine in sufficient amounts. Nevertheless, a person can take a carnitine supplement if their body cannot produce enough of it on its own, which is why carnitine is considered a conditionally essential nutrient. In addition, carnitine can also be found in various foods, especially meats such as beef and pork, which is where the name carnitine comes from (“carnus” is Latin for “flesh”).
Table of Contents
The Basic Functions of L-Carnitine
L-carnitine is a type of compound necessary to produce energy. This compound delivers long-chain fatty acids to the mitochondria, where they are oxidized–“burned”–to produce energy. As a result, L-carnitine is concentrated in tissues that metabolize fatty acids as an energy source, such as the heart and skeletal muscles. Carnitine also removes certain toxins the mitochondria generate during this process, which minimizes the buildup of these otherwise harmful by-products.
The Advantages of L-Carnitine
Research has demonstrated that L-carnitine may help improve and support heart health. For example, the compound may boost circulation after a heart attack. L-carnitine supplements also may treat arrhythmia and lessen chest pain, two additional signs and symptoms of heart failure. According to the specialists at Neuro Drinks, the benefits of L-carnitine in heart health are currently undergoing further study.
L-carnitine supplements given to patients undergoing cancer treatment may also be beneficial as an L-carnitine deficiency often occurs in chemotherapy patients. By taking carnitine supplements, symptoms like weakness and fatigue may be lessened. In addition, another study indicated that carnitine supplements might also promote improved mood and sleep quality among terminal cancer patients while also alleviating fatigue.
Lastly, according to another recent study, L-carnitine may be able to stop chemotherapy-related tissue damage.
L-Carnitine for Weight Loss and Athletic Performance
According to the Neuro Drinks team, some who seek to lose weight believe that taking L-carnitine supplements will aid them in achieving their fitness goal. Strong evidence supports this notion, though more research is ongoing to confirm exactly how this works.
Some athletes believe that L-carnitine will improve their performance since it restricts muscle metabolism during intense exercise. Though L-carnitine has the potential to enhance athletic performance theoretically, the claim is not supported by any hard data. For instance, carnitine supplements have not been shown to improve the body’s use of oxygen or metabolism during exercise.
L-Carnitine as an Anti-Aging Supplement
A decline in mitochondrial function may lead to the acceleration of the aging process. In preliminary studies, acetyl-L-carnitine and alpha-lipoic acid have been shown to reduce mitochondrial degradation. Also, several other studies have suggested that acetyl-L-carnitine supplements may lead to improvements in older adults with mild cognitive impairments.
Additional Carnitine Studies
Studies have also suggested that carnitine supplements may be helpful in treating male infertility. Additionally, research has suggested that carnitine supplementation may slow the death of lymphocytes, reduce neuropathy, and beneficially affect blood lipid levels.
Proper Diet and L-Carnitine
It’s crucial to keep in mind that leading a healthy lifestyle is essential for maintaining the body and all its functions. Diets rich in different fruits, vegetables, and grains promote the production of L-carnitine. People may also eat protein-rich foods such as poultry eggs, lean meats, lentils, beans, and peas. Eat fewer foods and drinks that are high in sugar, sodium, or saturated fat. The professionals at Neuro Drinks advise reducing alcohol intake and following the recommended daily caloric intake.
Lastly, the scientists at Neuro Drinks believe you should always consult with a doctor before adding any new supplements to your dietary regime.